Common Connection Issues

Common Connection Issues

If you’re having internet connection issues, the solution may be a lot simpler than you realize. It isn’t always necessary to call in an expert. First, try these solutions to common connection issues, courtesy of Intercontinental Communications Company. If You Can’t...
The Pros of Having a Good Telecom Company

The Pros of Having a Good Telecom Company

Ever since Intercontinental Communications Company was founded by Hooman Mobasser in 1986, we’ve done everything in our power to be not only a good telecom company but the best telecom company out there. Now that there are so many telecom companies offering so many...
Using a Mobile Phone for Home Internet Service

Using a Mobile Phone for Home Internet Service

Should I Use My Mobile Phone for Home Internet Service? “Should I use my mobile phone for home internet service?” is a question that has occurred to a lot of people – especially those hoping to save a little money. Is it really possible to use your cell phone as a...
The Reliability of VoIP Phone Service

The Reliability of VoIP Phone Service

Intercontinental Communications Company offers cutting edge VoIP solutions, available through whichever internet service you prefer. As an industry leader for the past 35 years, we have helped thousands of businesses to save money on their telecommunications...
What is Your Cloud Security Strategy?

What is Your Cloud Security Strategy?

Here at Intercontinental Communications, we offer a wide range of cloud-based solutions to help your company keep up with the changing world of business. Cloud-based solutions have become the norm recently, offering advantages such as greater flexibility, greater...